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Assessment at W&J: College Divisional Assessment

Divisional Assessment Timeline

Who is involved 

  • All divisions of the College. 

What is being assessed 

  • Assessment of services, satisfaction, inclusion, operations, and processes with some overlap in assessment of the student experience. 


Goal Development 

  • Sequential and collaborative development of institutional, divisional, and office goals. 

  • Share goals with the campus community. 


Year 1 Dialogues 

  • With newly developed goals in mind, offices will participate in conversations about areas of improvement within or across divisions. 

  • Assessment questions with a focus on improvement will be developed based on divisional conversations. 


Assessment activities 

  • Assessment based on divisional goals and priorities. 

  • Offices engaged in assessment submit brief annual reports.  



  • Reflect on the previous 4 years of assessment. 

  • Longer divisional report that includes any action-oriented improvement plans based on assessment findings.