Use EBSCO Discovery Service to search all of the Library's databases at once.
Can't find what you're looking for? Use these links to access materials we don't own.
Citizens Library is the public library located at 55 S. College Street at the corner of E. Wheeling Street. Go to their website for hours, their online catalog and other information. They also have a good collection of popular fiction. All you need is your W&J ID to get a Citizen's library card.
E-ZBorrow is a new service that is the fastest way for W&J Students, Faculty, and Staff to borrow books that may not be available at the Clark Family Library. You can simultaneously search and request books from more than 50 academic library catalogs throughout Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and West Virginia.
Use these forms to request materials through interlibrary loan. This is a free service that provides you access to materials W&J doesn't own.
WorldCat is a global catalog of library collections. Find items we don't own and then request them through ILL.