If you find a resource that you believe will be useful for your research and that you cannot access either because it is behind a paywall or the library does not have it, please submit a request for it via Interlibrary Loan. You can complete the ILL form here: http://libguides.washjeff.edu/ill
Articles are scanned and shared as PDFs. Typically you'll receive your article within two business days and then the PDF is yours to keep. Books arrive in at least 7 days and must be returned like any other library book. There is no charge for ILL requests and no limit to how many requests you can make.
Need help? Just ask! Librarians can typically determine whether or not we have full-text access to a resource very quickly. If we don't have it, we'll help you complete the ILL form.
Use EBSCO Discovery Service to search all of the Library's databases at once.
Search for periodicals held by the Library!
Sign in to My EBSCO FolderPlease delete this note before moving to public: Ronalee - these are the websites from the old Accounting and Business guides. If you would like other resources, I recommend looking at other libraries' research guides.