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PrezTech Challenge

The Committee on Libraries and Educational Technology (COLET) is pleased to announce PrezTech Challenge. PrezTech Challenge encourages W&J faculty to enhance student learning by using library and educational technology.

What is the PrezTech Challenge?

PrezTech Challenge


The Committee on Libraries and Educational Technology (COLET) is pleased to announce PrezTech Challenge.

PrezTech Challenge encourages W&J faculty to enhance student learning by using library and educational technology in innovative ways. Are you tired of assigning papers and blue book exams and looking for a new project that will engage your students? Perhaps you already have a class project but you think it could be more effective and engaging. PrezTech Challenge is an opportunity for you to develop or enhance a project that will engage your students while achieving your courses’ learning outcomes.

Participants in the PrezTech Challenge will be given the opportunity to meaningfully incorporate technology or information literacy into a course by providing both the incentives and support to:

  • incorporate some form of educational technology into your course such as podcasting, digital stories, GIS mapping, digital exhibits, etc.
  • integrate information literacy skills such as finding and evaluating information, examining how information is disseminated in a field or exploring economic, social, legal, and ethical issues surrounding information into your classes.

If you have any questions please contact CoLET via Jamie March at (