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German Language and Literature

This guide will introduce you to resources you can use when researching German language and literature.

Why Cite?

Citing your sources is an important and required part of any academic research and writing.  But why?

To Give Credit  Standard practice requires giving credit to the author of the original words, ideas, or research to show honor and respect for their work and legal rights.

To Avoid Plagiarism  Citing your sources ensures that you are not taking credit for the work of another.

To Maintain the Accuracy and Credibility of Your Work  Citations establish that your data and facts are correct and allows the reader to check the source for themselves.

Citation Resources

All citations are made from the same building blocks but are configured differently for each style, for example: MLA, or APA. 

    Use the Purdue Owl website for online citation help for

     MLA,   APAChicago/Turabian and other styles
     and for in-text citations, annotated bibliographies,
     as well as conducting primary research.

     Save and use this website for writing and citing help.