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ENG 301 - Troost - Fall 2023

Resources for students in ENG 301 (Writing for Online Platforms) with Professor Troost during the Fall 2023 semester.


Welcome, ENG 301 students! This research guide is designed to help you find resources that will help you navigate your wide variety of assignments. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to a librarian or Dr. Troost!

Ethical Approach to Research

Practicing ethical research is essential regardless of the type of research you are doing. However, when communicating information to a wide audience, as you will do through your projects in this class. The elements of ethical research listed below can also be used as you evaluate resources that you find.

  • Consider the subjectivity of the author.

  • Consider the time in which the resource was created.

  • Consider the mission and goals of the organization with which the author is affiliated (especially when thinking about research funding), and the scope and biases of the organization or journal in which the resource was published.

  • Address your own biases and subjectivity and the ethos or the mission and goals of the organization with which you are affiliated.

  • Respect the autonomy of the individuals in your study when using data and other primary sources.

  • Uphold the right of privacy of the individuals in your study when conducting original research.

  • Cite all sources.

  • Follow all copyright conditions.

Search Strategies

Developing Keywords

Keywords are the building blocks of research. However, finding ones that produce the kind of search results that you are looking for can be tricky. These questions can be helpful to think through these questions when developing keywords:

  1. What are the important nouns in your research question?
  2. What are synonyms for those important nouns? How might different groups refer to your topic?
  3. Who are the key figures/ what are the key events that you learned about during your research with reference sources?

Like the research process, developing keywords is an iterative process, so don't panic if your first keywords don't produce the results that you were expecting.

Below are some resources from other libraries with further tips for developing keywords.

Maximizing Google (and other search engines)