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EDU 221: School Law (Abdellatif)

Fall 2023

Where can I find articles?

You can start finding articles by searching the Library's Discovery Tool.  We also recommend searching within some of the specific databases listed below.

Suggested Databases

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

If you find an article that you believe will be useful for your research and it is behind a paywall, please submit a request for the article via Interlibrary Loan. You can complete the ILL form here:

Articles are scanned and shared as PDFs. Typically you'll receive your article within 48 hours and then the PDF is yours to keep. There is no charge for ILL requests and no limit to how many requests you can make.  

Need help? Just ask! Librarians can typically determine whether or not we have full-text access to an article very quickly. If we don't have it, we'll help you complete the ILL form.