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Documenting COVID-19 at W & J: Home

Documenting COVID-19

Please help us document the W&J student experience of COVID-19

This is an unprecedented time in history. The Covid-19 pandemic has essentially brought modern life to a halt. Schools and businesses have closed their buildings. Events and gatherings have been canceled. The world is doing its best to stay safe and stay at home.

Nonetheless, our W&J community continues to thrive by adapting to this new landscape. As history is being made, we would like to capture these critical moments in the form of photos, artistic expressions, audio files, and personal accounts directly from our community. We invite you to participate in any format that is convenient and meaningful to you. The amount and/or length of your contribution is completely at your discretion. Your contribution may be included in W&J’s archives and special collections as a way of documenting this historic time.

Ways to contribute

Complete our survey

Please fill out as much or as little of this survey as you would like. You can re-submit at anytime.  You will also have the opportunity to restrict access to your answers to this survey and/or other materials that you submit.

Other contributions

You can also send us an item to document your experience. Unsure how to start? Here are a few suggestions and prompts that may help:

  • A photo(s) of your outdoor surroundings, indoor work area or essential errands run (Note: Please be safe and abide by all local ordinances.)
  • A short audio or video clip (2 minutes maximum) of your thoughts and feelings about your current environment
  • A short (or long) write up about the current situation
  • A poem relating to these times
  • A drawing or painting relating to your experience or feelings

Please do not submit personal health data about yourself or others. Email your submissions in the form of pdf, .doc, jpeg or mp4 files to